sábado, 11 de julio de 2009

The socialization of literacy

Some scholars talk about the emergence of written orality [1] released by the cyberspace, it seems to me that the revolution is going in the opposite direction; a growing number of cybernauts are acquiring the rhetoric of writing. If printing socialized reading, cyberspace is socializing writing. The first modernity was founded upon the socializing of reading and to a lower extent of writing, but a whole new modernity is emerging in the cyberspace where the oligarchy of writing and therefore of the production of rational knowledge is being replaced by something as mysterious as rationality was for traditional knowledge before the age of printing.

To frame the former post I suggest the reader to take a look at the work of Walter J. Ong and my suggestion to the 'lazy reader' (like me!) are the excerpts from the essay Literacy and orality in our times in case you liked it (like me!), here is the complete version.

[1] What Walter J. Ong called secondary literacy.

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